Grenzsprenger 4-8

Image information “Grenzsprenger 4-8”

title Grenzsprenger 4-8
Dimensions 30x20x3cm
technology abstract collage from china paper under wax
Image carrier wood
year 2020
Selling price 1.840,00 € (5 pieces Grenzsprenger 4-8)
status available
buy online Buy online through Singulart

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About the work

The 5 works of art (each 30x20x3cm) are collages that can but do not have to be hung together. They belong to the series of Grenzsprenger, all collages made of paper, which deal with overcoming the setting of boundaries and belong to the artist’s personal examination of Corona and the resulting restrictions. In the picture, the black lines and the brown wrapping paper act as the boundaries that each individual has to deal with. The blue area is made of China paper, which Gramann dyed in this shade and, after drying, tore it out of a large piece of paper and collaged it onto the picture. The blue takes on the role of the border crosser or border sprinkler. Depending on the picture, this process of overcoming has already been completed or is still being carried out. All pictures are covered with a fine layer of paraffin wax.

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